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The decision was appealed up to the 7th Circuit, where it quickly got support by public interest groups and big tech companies. PHOTOS: 18 Outrageous Entertainment Lawsuits It is true that service providers are not required to police their sites for infringement, but they are required to investigate and respond to notices of infringement - with respect to content and repeat infringers.” “Beyond his mechanical response to the notices, Gunter refuses to concern himself with copyright protection.

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MyVidster had responded to written takedown notices, “but goes no further,” wrote the judge. The plaintiff alleged that its copyrighted works had been infringed, and in a ruling last July that granted a preliminary injunction, Illinois federal judge John Grady ruled that MyVidster and its operator, Marques Rondale Gunter, couldn’t avail themselves of safe harbors under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act because the site hadn’t acted beyond minimum requirements.

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